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*We do perform a credit check on the customer as a part of our application process. “No Credit Needed” does not imply no credit check.

Good Approval Rates

Koalafi has good approval rates, and there's no credit needed*. Information is cross-checked with data providers and credit bureaus to determine approval and approval amounts. To be eligible, you must be 18 years of age or older, have a current bank account, a debit card and make at least $1,000 per month from a reliable source.

Convenient Application

Getting started with Koalafi is easy and customer friendly. If approved, we'll let you know within a reasonable amount of time, so you're not waiting on us too long.

Even More Great Features

Koalafi is bigger and better than even, which means that we can now offer you some additional services that you are sure to love. Our applications are now 25% shorter than before, and we've integrated e-commerce solutions to help your online checkout experience go even more efficiently. You can also increase your credit limit with a single click. To learn more about these and all our other additional options, visit our website today!

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